+386 51 205 532 | andrej.kriz@zgs.si | Andrej Križ, vodja službe LPN

The Special purpose state hunting ground Ljubljanski vrh (LPN Ljubljanski vrh) is located in the southwestern part of the Ljubljana Basin, on the outskirts of Ljubljana Marshes. It consists of lowland and high altitude area with relative altitude difference of 620 m. The hunting ground comprises 4,138 hectares.

The most important game species in the lowland part of the hunting ground are brown hare, pheasant, mallard, nutria, fox and roe deer, while in the highland one can find red deer, roe deer, wild boar, fox, stone marten and pine marten, there is also a small number of chamois. Game in the area of the hunting ground coexists with other species of wildlife, including the continuing presence of large carnivores, such as brown bear, wolf and lynx, from time to time it is also possible to observe golden eagle and wild cat.

The most interesting for hunting guests is red deer hunting during the “rutting” season and hunting roe deer, as in the lowland part of the hunting grounds it is also possible to hunt roe deer with greater trophies.

Nižinski del LPN Ljubljani vrh, Ljubljansko Barje, pred sončnim vzhodom

Lowland part of the LPN Ljubljanski vrh, Ljubljana Marshes, before sunrise

Description of the hunting grounds

LPN Ljubljanski vrh is located in the immediate vicinity of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, and extends itself at an altitude between 200 and 820 m.In the hunting ground there are two characteristic types of landscape. The first is the lowland part, which forms part of the Ljubljana Marshes and covers about 300 hectares.The second part is the hilly Karst terrain on the edge of Menišija, with fir – beech forests and the typical Karst phenomena.[caption id="attachment_342" align="alignnone" width="250"]Trop srnjadi v LPN Ljubljanski vrh Herd of red deer in the LPN Ljubljanski vrh[/caption]

Description of the game

The territory of the LPN Ljubljanski vrh is divided into two parts, the lowland and the highland.The lowland comprises 300 hectares of cultivated farmland. The most common game species in this part of the hunting ground are brown hare, pheasant, mallard, nutria, fox and roe deer.[caption id="attachment_431" align="alignnone" width="250"]7_ Brown hare that went numb during the inspection of the lowland part of the hunting grounds in the LPN Ljubljanski vrh[/caption]Recently, we can also find jackal. Lowland at the time of ripening of certain crops is nutritionally interesting for red deer and wild boar.The highland consists of hilly Karst terrain. The most common game species are red deer, roe deer, wild boar, fox, stone marten and pine marten, while there is also a small number of chamois.Regardless of the vicinity of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, LPN Ljubljanski vrh is characterized by the continued presence of certain protected species, including large carnivores, such as the brown bear, wolf and lynx, from time to time it is also possible to observe golden eagle and wild cat.

Trophy hunting tourism

In the LPN they also perform traditional hunting, which is solely intended for true hunters. The most common hunting methods are stalking and stand hunting fromhigh seats.In addition to the most common types of game, in the lowland part of the hunting ground the roe deer with greater trophies is particularly interesting. In the highland part red deer hunting is the most interesting, as in previous years it was estimated that more than half of the hunted deer were 10 years old or more.[caption id="attachment_375" align="alignnone" width="250"]11_Trofejni jelen v LPN Ljubljanski vrh Trophy red deer in LPN Ljubljanski vrh[/caption]For different groups, observation of game and wildlife, including the brown bear, is organized in the LPN.

Special purpose

In the LPN Ljubljanski vrh regular monitoring of various types of game and certain protected species (large carnivores...) is carried out.The hunting ground is involved in many scientific research projects, in the planning and implementation of numerous projects in the field of game and hunting, and performing other public functions in the field of game and hunting.[caption id="attachment_399" align="alignnone" width="250"]27_V LPN Ljubljanski vrh je prisoten tudi medved The brown bear is also present in the LPN Ljubljanski vrh.[/caption]


The trophy game species hunted are the result of good management in the hunting area as well as the result of several days of hunting guest's contact with nature and his/her movement in the hunting ground.In the lowland part of the hunting ground in the LPN Ljubljanski vrh several roe deer with greater trophies were hunted.In the highland part of the hunting ground excellent management of red deer populations is visible, as in previous years a significant proportion of hunted deer was 10 years old or even older. The greatest trophy of a hunted deer was estimated at 210 CIC points.


The price list of the special purpose state hunting grounds managed by Slovenia Forest Service states that hunting in the LPNs is organized professionally and in compliance with all relevant legislation. In addition to financial value the price list also includes instructions that determine internal rules of hunting in the LPNs managed by Slovenia Forest Service.PDF
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