+386 51 205 532 | andrej.kriz@zgs.si | Andrej Križ, vodja službe LPN

In Slovenia, hunting roe deer during the rutting season is carried out by stalking, in combination with stand hunting and hunting by calling out. Namely, during this time roe deer is calling out to and thus attracting hinds suitable for mating.

Hunting guest may decide to hunt roe deer by stalking, in combination with stand hunting.


Hunter ready to hunt roe deer in the LPN Pohorje

Hunting guest may also choose to hunt roe deer during the rutting season by calling out to them. By doing so, the hunting guest is trying to lure the roe deer by mimicking the sounds that are typical of the species. The best time of day to hunt by calling out is in the middle of the morning and in the late afternoon, and is usually the most successful in the first days of August, approximately until the middle of the month.

Hunting roe deer in the LPNs also takes place outside the breeding season, during deer hunting season, from May to the end of October.

Roe deer in the LPN Ljubljanski vrh

Hunting roe deer during the rutting season is performed in in every LPN in Slovenia. Hunting grounds are situated in different landscapes and climates, from the High Karst Unit and the Alps to the Dinaric world and the Pannonian Plain, therefore it is suitable for all true hunters

Shot roe deer in the LPN Kompas Peskovci

Hunting is performed by professional hunters who know the movements of roe deer in the hunting grounds.

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