+ 386 51 693 135 | janko.mehle@zgs.si | mag. Janko Mehle, vodja službe LPN

The alpine marmot hunting in the special purpose state hunting grounds is a special experience, as it takes place in a beautiful, unspoiled nature of the mountainous world.


Alpine world in the LPN Kozorog Kamnik

The hunter and his/her guide try to stalk or await marmots on pastures and then select the appropriate animals. This is very difficult, because life in colonies means there are many watchful eyes and ears. A colony of alpine marmots is always guarded by individual adult specimens reacting with a sharp whistle to the presence of threats. In such a case all marmots immediately hide deep in their burrows.

The alpine marmot hunting takes place in the LPN Kozorog Kamnik, in the mountainous Kamnik–Savinja Alps, on Grintovec and Korošica.

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