+386 51 205 532 | andrej.kriz@zgs.si | Andrej Križ, vodja službe LPN

In addition to the sustainable management of game and their habitat, the special purpose state hunting grounds are also engaged in activities to preserve the populations of large carnivores in Slovenia. The main activities are related to the preparation of strategic documents and the expert bases for exercising control over their population, assessing the damage caused by protected animal species, and public relations. Within the Slovenia Forest Service operates the intervention group for large carnivores, which successfully cooperates with national and international institutions.

Beside the activities associated with large carnivores, LPNs also carry out monitoring of different types of game and some rare, endangered and protected species. The results of monitoring are used for successful sustainable management of game.

The LPNs also cooperate with various research institutions, because they understand that by fostering the emergence of new knowledge about the game and other wildlife species they are also improving the management of the latter. Due to the rapid development of civilization, this is crucial in order to preserve the natural environment and the species diversity. Research projects carried out in the area of LPNs are often associated with large carnivores, ungulates and small game.

The LPNs encourage the transfer of knowledge about the game and other wildlife species, which is carried out by the general public access to information on the status and activities, as well as by conducting lectures throughout Slovenia and abroad, by visits from kindergartens, schools, and international universities in the LPNs.

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