+ 386 51 693 135 | janko.mehle@zgs.si | mag. Janko Mehle, vodja službe LPN

Hunting red deer stag in LPNs during the rutting season is a special experience for every hunting guest. In addition to the hunting itself, the hunting guests are also interested in listening to stag rut and watching the fight of two strong males for a herd of hinds.

Hunting guests can opt for hunting deer at the rutting ground, meaning that they can listen to stag rutting, determine its location and approach it.


Hunting guest may also choose to attract red deer stag with rutting. In doing so, the hunting guest by imitating a stag or a hind lures another stag, a competitor that is not ready to leave its hinds in the herd. In doing so, we must be careful, because all the stags do not sound the same, therefore, to lure a deer away from the rutting ground and from the hinds and calves is a special challenge for every hunting guest or his/her companion.

Red Deer hunting also takes place outside the breeding season, during deer hunting season, from mid-August until the end of the calendar year. During this time, deer hunting is most successful in the evening, by stand hunting, i.e. waiting along the paths when the deer return from or come to graze, and in the morning by stalking.


Red Deer hunting during “rut” behaviour in the special purpose state hunting grounds is carried out in LPN Jelen, LPN in the Kočevje region, LPN Kompas Peskovci, LPN Ljubljanski vrh, and LPN Pohorje. Landscape, climate and accessibility in those hunting grounds are very different, therefore, deer hunting there is suitable for every true hunter.

Hunting is performed by professional hunters who know the movements of deer in the hunting grounds.

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